Friday, November 2, 2007

In a planet far, far away...

Well, this is a difficult thing.
Supposedly I am supposed to have read one of my sources for my research paper. But I have a problem. I only got my resources from the library today, so I haven't read any of them yet. I don't even know if they're worth using. Of Course I would read them this weekend...
...Oh wait, I can't
(you'll like this story)

Today (Friday) and Tomorrow (Saturday), I am helping to run, organize, and control a girl scout lock in. This Lockin is being attended by over 100 girls, each night, and all these girls are going through rotations and meals and activites and all kinds of good fun. There will be little sleep and even less patience. I admit that these lockins are usually the high light of my year (isn't that sad?) but due to the promise of lack of sleep as well as my dislike of being near too many people for too long (hense my extreme dislike of parties)(the reason for this may be that I have a little Asbergers in me, and my mind "overloads" and I just need to get away sometimes) I fully predict myself to be very crabby, short tempered, and extremely tired. I suppose myself to take the time to disappear from the publics view, with intention of reading one of my sources, and instead of getting the work done, I will find myself having read about ten pages and not taking in a single word. In which case I will give up and fall asleep and have a very annoying dream where I am reading a very good book that will have a very bad ending (like the one in Stone Wolf, which I beseach you to never read).

Well I suppose that is the end of my story, I'll tell you how true it is the next time I become consious. Good bye, and sorry for the spelling errors

1 comment:

Bridget O'Rourke said...

Well, at least you've given your excuse some literary flair! So, do tell, how was the lock-in?

Um, never mind, tell me what you've learned about digitization of libraries. Are we headed for an Orwellian future, or what?